AboutRomeo - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.AboutRomeo.
AboutRomeo() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.AboutRomeo
The constructor initializes all components.
Alphabetizer - class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer.
This class alphabetizes strings.
Alphabetizer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
AquaTheme - class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme.
This class describes a theme using "blue-green" colors. 1.3 07/22/99
AquaTheme() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme
Array - class com.miami.romeo.config.Array.
This class represents an array of objects.
Array() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Download
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.CancelAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SaveAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.reloadSkinsAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.rescanLanguageDirAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs
add(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Adds a the property with the given name and value.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Adds the boolean property.
add(String, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Adds the integer property.
add(String, double) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Adds the double property.
add(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Adds the String passed to the array in its proper place -- sorted.
addContextHelp() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method adds the context sensitive help.
addCustomEntriesToTable(UIDefaults) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
addEditingItem() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
addItem(Object) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(JTable, SortButtonRenderer) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
addPanel(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method adds a panel to the content pane.
appendMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method appends a line to the message area in this way: date + message.
assureRectsCreated(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI


BevelArrowIcon - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon.
BevelArrowIcon(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
BevelArrowIcon(Color, Color, Color, int, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
BlankIcon - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon.
BlankIcon() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon
BlankIcon(Color, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon
border - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
buttonCount - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
buttonListeners - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
buttonPlacement - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
buttonSize - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane


C_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
C_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
C_UNSELECTED - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
C_WWATCHER - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
CharcoalTheme - class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme.
This class describes a theme using gray colors. 1.3 07/22/99
CharcoalTheme() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
ColorSwatch - class com.miami.romeo.graphics.ColorSwatch.
This class returns an icon for a button.
ColorSwatch(Color) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.ColorSwatch
CompTitledBorder - class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder.
CompTitledBorder(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
CompTitledBorder(Border) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
CompTitledBorder(Border, JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
CompTitledBorder(Border, JComponent, int, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
CompTitledPane - class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane.
CompTitledPane() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
CompTitledPane(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
Config - class com.miami.romeo.config.Config.
A Config is used to save a set of Config properties.
Config(String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Constructs a new Config object that stores it's properties in the file with the given name.
Config(File) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Constructs a new Config object that stores it's properties in the given file.
Config(URL) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Constructs a new Config object that stores it's properties in the given file.
Config() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Constructs a new Config object that doesn't have a file associated with it.
ContrastTheme - class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme.
This class describes a higher-contrast Metal Theme.
ContrastTheme() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
calculateMaxTabHeight(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
calculateTabWidth(int, int, FontMetrics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
cb - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
checkCatver() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method checks if catver.ini exists: if the file exists it enables any specific tree nodes.
checkFiles() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method verifies if all files needed by Romeo exist.
checkListOfGames(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method checks wheter a list of games has been created for a given xmame executable.
checkMinMax(Integer) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method checks min/max values for the progress bars in the main table.
checkModel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
checkNewRelease() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method verifies if a new version of Romeo has been released.
checkXmame(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method performs any operations if a new xmame executable is selected.
clear() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Clears the Strings from the object and creates a new one of the default size.
clear(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Clears the Strings from the object and creates a new one of the size passed.
client - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
clone() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Clones the SortedStrings object.
columnModel1 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
columnModel2 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
columnModel3 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
com.miami.romeo.config - package com.miami.romeo.config
com.miami.romeo.filter - package com.miami.romeo.filter
com.miami.romeo.graphics - package com.miami.romeo.graphics
com.miami.romeo.help - package com.miami.romeo.help
com.miami.romeo.internet - package com.miami.romeo.internet
com.miami.romeo.main - package com.miami.romeo.main
com.miami.romeo.main.about - package com.miami.romeo.main.about
com.miami.romeo.main.combo - package com.miami.romeo.main.combo
com.miami.romeo.main.list - package com.miami.romeo.main.list
com.miami.romeo.main.resize - package com.miami.romeo.main.resize
com.miami.romeo.main.table - package com.miami.romeo.main.table
com.miami.romeo.main.tree - package com.miami.romeo.main.tree
com.miami.romeo.settings - package com.miami.romeo.settings
com.miami.romeo.themes - package com.miami.romeo.themes
com.miami.romeo.xmame - package com.miami.romeo.xmame
compare(String, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of the two strings.
compare(char, char) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of the two characters.
compare(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
compare(int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
compare(Number, Number) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
compare(Date, Date) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
compare(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
compareRowsByColumn(int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
component - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
component - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
concatenateValues(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
conn - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
contains(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns true flag if the String passed is in the array.
copy(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
countRoms(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method counts how many roms are available.
createArtworkOptionsPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method creates a panel containing artwork options.
createButtons(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
createCheckBoxMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, boolean, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a generic JCheckBoxMenuItem.
createDisplayRotationPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method creates a panel containing options to rotate display.
createFrame() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method creates a frame for Downloader to reside in.
createFrame() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a frame for Romeo to reside in.
createHelp() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates the help system.
createImageIcon16x16(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Creates an icon 16x16 from an image contained in the "images" directory.
createImageIcon24x24(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Creates an icon 24x24 from an image contained in the "images" directory.
createImageIcon32x32(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Creates an icon 32x32 from an image contained in the "images" directory.
createIndicatorCellRenderer() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns a renderer for the table cells containing a progress bar.
createInfoDialog(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a dialog box to show info about a game.
createInternalDetailedInfoFrame(Integer, int, int, String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
Create an internal frame to read info about a game retrieved from xmame.
createInternalFramePalette() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
This method creates an internal frame palette.
createInternalHistoryFrame(Integer, int, int, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
Create an internal frame to show history of a selected game
createInternalImageFrame(Icon, Integer, int, int, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
This method creates a generic internal frame and adds a scrollable image to it.
createInternalWebFrame(Integer, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
Create an internal frame to read info about a game retrieved over the Internet.
createLafMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem for the Look and Feel menu.
createLayoutManager() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
createLinkMenuItem(JMenu, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a generic JMenuItem to list internet links.
createLinuxAudioPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel containing audio options for xmame.
createLinuxInputPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel containing xmame input options.
createLinuxVideoPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method creates a panel containing xmame video options.
createMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, String, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Creates a generic JMenuItem
createMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, String, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Creates a generic JMenuItem
createMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, String, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a generic JMenuItem.
createMenus() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Create menus
createMenus() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Create menus
createMenus() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates and returns all menus.
createMessageArea() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a scrollable message area to display any errors or diagnostics from subprocesses.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
createNodes(TreeNode) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This methods creates tree nodes.
createNorthPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel.
createOptionList() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method returns a scrollpane for the options list.
createPopupCheckBoxMenuItem(JPopupMenu, String, String, String, String, Action, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a JCheckBoxMenuItem for the popup menu to set a given game as a favorite.
createPopupMenu(JTable, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a popup menu for the tables.
createPopupMenuItem(JPopupMenu, String, String, String, String, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a generic JMenuItem for the popup menu.
createPopupSubMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, String, Action) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a generic sub JMenuItem for the popup menu.
createStatusBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates the status bar.
createTable(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method creates a table.
createTableCellRenderer(Color) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns a new DefaultTableCellRenderer to render table cells containing a label.
createTableOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a panel containing table options.
createTables() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates three tables and then adds them to a a JScrollPane.
createThemesMenuItem(JMenu, String, String, String, DefaultMetalTheme) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem for the Themes menu.
createToggleButtons() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Creates JToggleButtons.
createToggleButtons() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Creates JToggleButtons.
createToggleButtons() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates JToggleButtons for the first tool bar.
createToggleButtons2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates a JToggleButton and some other components for the second tool bar.
createTree() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method create a single selection JTree and then adds it to a JScrollPane.
createTreePopupMenu(JTree, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
createVectorGamesOptionsPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel containing vector games options.
createWindowsAudioPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel containing audio options for the Windows command line.
createWindowsInputPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns a panel containing Windows input options.
createWindowsVideoPanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method creates a panel containing Windows video options.
createXmameComboBox() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a combo box to list available xmame executables and then adds it to a scroll pane.
currentTime - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader


DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
DOWN - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
DOWN - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
DataIO - class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO.
DataIO(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
The constructor.
DialogSeparator - class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator.
DialogSeparator() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
DialogSeparator(String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
Downloader - class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.
Downloader(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
Downloader.Download - class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Download.
Action listener for 'Download' button
Downloader.Download() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Download
Downloader.Exit - class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit.
Exit Action
Downloader.Exit() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
dbUrl - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
defaultTab - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
defineProtocolToUse() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method defines the protocol (http or ftp) to use and download the file.
dialog - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
dialog - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
diff(SortedStrings) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns a SortedStrings object that has the Strings from this object that are not in the one passed.
disconnect() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This methods disconnects client from the ftp server.
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method is called by the current KeyboardFocusManager requesting that this KeyEventDispatcher dispatch the specified event on its behalf.
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method is called by the current KeyboardFocusManager requesting that this KeyEventDispatcher dispatch the specified event on its behalf.
doLayout() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
doubleArray(String[]) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
doubleArray(int[]) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
dspBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options


EastResizeEdge - class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge.
EastResizeEdge(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
EmeraldTheme - class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme.
This class describes a theme using glowing green colors.
EmeraldTheme() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme
emit(DataOutput) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Writes a the SortedStrings object to the DataOutput object.
enableComponents(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method enables/disables all components.
enableTree() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method enables the selection tree.
enabled - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
ensureCurrentLayout() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
ensureVisibleTabAt(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
equalTo(String, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
extTablesColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
extTablesColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings


FIRST - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
FOUR_BUTTONS - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
Filter - class com.miami.romeo.filter.Filter.
Filter() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.filter.Filter
fm - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
fontBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
fontSizeBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
fontStyleBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings


Games - class com.miami.romeo.main.Games.
Games(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
The constructor initializes all components.
GraydIcon - class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.GraydIcon.
GraydIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.GraydIcon
gameDocAvailability - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocCategory - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocCloneOf - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocDescription - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocDriver - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocEntry - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocFavorite - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocIcon - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocManufacturer - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocName - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocPath - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocPlayed - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocProductionYear - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocRoot - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocSample - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameDocWorkingStatus - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
gameExists(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns true if the given game exists, false otherwise.
gameIsRunnable(String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns if a rom is runnable.
games - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
gamesTabIsSelected() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns true if the first tab of the JtabbedPane is selected, false otherwise.
get(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
get(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
getAcceleratorForeground() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getAcceleratorSelectedForeground() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getAvailableRoms() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method retrieves available roms.
getBlack() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
getBorderInsets(Component, Insets) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
getButtonCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getButtonPlacement() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getButtonPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getButtons() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getChildCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
getClones(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method compares the list of games with the list of clones.
getClonesOfGame(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the clones of a given game.
getColor() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.ListItem
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getComponentRect(Rectangle, Insets) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
getConfigFile() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
getContentPane() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the content pane.
getContentPane() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
getControlHighlight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getData(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns a vector containing rom data.
getDataStoringType() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns the data storing type: 0 to use xml document (default) 1 to use sql table 2 to use text file
getDefaultTab() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
getDetailedInfo(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves detailed info for a given game running the command "xmame -ld gamename".
getDialog() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
This method returns the dialog window.
getDigitalSoundPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method removes all unuseful stuff (ie copyright lines (Open GL), etc.) from the list of the available sound-dsp plugins.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
getFavoriteRoms(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method returns an array of favorite/non-favorite games.
getFocusColor() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getFontMetrics() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
getFrame() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method returns the frame instance.
getFrame() - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the frame instance.
getFrameParameter(JFrame, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method retrieves an int from the configuration file to be used building modules.
getFtpFile(String, int, String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method downloads a file from a remote ftp server.
getFtpFileSize(FtpClient, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method returns the file size from the ftp server Probably not working.
getGamePath(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns the rom dir path where the given game has been stored in.
getGameSamples(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method lists used audio samples for a given game running the command "xmame -ls gamename".
getHighlightedTextColor() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getHttpFile() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method downloads a file from a remote server using http protocol.
getHttpFileSize(String, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method returns the file size from the http server.
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.ColorSwatch
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.GraydIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.ColorSwatch
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.GraydIcon
getIndexes() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel
getInfoFromCatver(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method retrieves data from catver.ini
getInt(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
getJMenuBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Returns the menubar
getJMenuBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the menubar.
getLinuxOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns XMame options.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.JListCellRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SettingsListCellRenderer
getListOfAvailableRoms(Vector, String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns an array with the same length of the game names.
getListOfGames(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method calls specific data retrieving void.
getMamuIcons(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns an array of strings with the paths to Mamu' s icons.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
getMaximumSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
getMenuSelectedBackground() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getMenuSelectedForeground() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getMinimumSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
getMinimumSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
getMnemonic(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method returns a mnemonic.
getModel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getName() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme
getName() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getName() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getName() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme
getName() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme
getNameOfList(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns the name of the list of games.
getNumberOfPlayedMatches(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method returns an array with numbers of played matches for each game.
getOtherOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns other useful options.
getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns the table popup menu.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
getPrimary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme
getPrimary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getPrimary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getPrimary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme
getPrimary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.AquaTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.EmeraldTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme
getPrimaryControlHighlight() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getRealCommand(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
getRomCategories(String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method retrieves a list of rom categories from catver.ini.
getRomColors(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method returns a string containing the number of colors used by a rom running the command "xmame -listcolors romname".
getRomDescriptions(String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves game descriptions.
getRomDirPaths() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method gets the paths to the rom directories and then put them into an array of strings.
getRomDirs() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method puts the rom dirs set by the user into an array of files.
getRomDirs() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns the rom dir paths.
getRomManufacturers(String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the manufacturer for each game.
getRomNames(String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves game names.
getRomPaths(Vector, String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns the list of absolute paths for each game.
getRomYears(String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the list of the production year for each game.
getRomsUsingSamples(String, String[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the list of games that use audio samples.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getSQLData(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method retrieves the list of game from a MySQL' s table.
getSecondary1() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getSecondary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getSecondary2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getSecondary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getSecondary3() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getSoundMixerPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method removes all unuseful stuff (ie copyright lines (Open GL), etc.) from the list of the available sound-mixer plugins.
getSourceFiles(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves list of source files running the command "xmame -lsf".
getStartIndex() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs
getStartIndex(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs
getState(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
getString(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method returns a string value to identify a generic component.
getTab(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
getTabAreaInsets(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
getTabbedPane() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the tabbed pane.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.IndicatorCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableRenderer
getTabs() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
getTextData(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns a vector containing data taken from a text file.
getTextField() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method returns the JTextField that owns focus.
getTextHighlightColor() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.ContrastTheme
getTitleComponent() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
getTitleComponent() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
getToolBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Returns the toolbar
getToolBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Returns the toolbar
getToolBar() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the tool bar.
getToolBar2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the second tool bar.
getToolBarGroup() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Returns the toolbar button group
getToolBarGroup() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Returns the toolbar button group
getToolBarGroup() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the tool bar button group.
getToolBarGroup2() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns the second tool bar button group.
getTransmitter() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
getTransmittingAllowed() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNodeRenderer
getValue() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.ListItem
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
getVersion(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves xmame version running the command "xmame -V".
getVersionNumbers(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method returns xmame version numbers.
getVisibleCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getVisibleStartIndex() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
getWhite() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.themes.CharcoalTheme
getWindowsOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method returns Windows options.
getWorkingRoms(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method runs the command "xmame -listgamelist" that outputs a list with specialy formatted extra info for generating gamelist.mame.
getXMLData(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns a vector containing data taken from a XML Document
getXMLDoc(URL) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns the list of games document.
getXmamePath() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns the xmame executable file path.
getXmameVersion(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns xmame version.
goToUrl(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method runs system browser or hyperlink module to go to an url location
greaterThan(String, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
grow(int[], double) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
grow(boolean[], double) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
grow(Object[], double) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
grow(String[], double) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array


Help - class com.miami.romeo.help.Help.
Help() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.Help
Help.ToggleButtonToolBar - class com.miami.romeo.help.Help.ToggleButtonToolBar.
Help.ToggleButtonToolBar() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.Help.ToggleButtonToolBar
HistoryView - class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView.
HistoryView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
HistoryView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
Hyperlink - class com.miami.romeo.internet.Hyperlink.
Hyperlink(String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.internet.Hyperlink
helpBroker - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
helpSet - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
highlightAllGamesNode() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method highlights programmatically 'All games' node.
highlightRow(JTable, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method highlights a row in the list of games.
historyField - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
horzSplitPane - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
hostFile - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader


IconComboRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer.
Combo box renderer.
IconComboRenderer(JComboBox) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
IndicatorCellRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.IndicatorCellRenderer.
IndicatorCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.IndicatorCellRenderer
IndicatorCellRenderer(int, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.IndicatorCellRenderer
Info - class com.miami.romeo.main.Info.
This class extends JPanel to create a container for a JDesktopPane.
Info(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
InfoListCellRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer.
Cell renderer for a JList
InfoListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
iRenderer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
indexOf(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns String index of the int passed.
info - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
initGames() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method shows the list of all games on startup.
initializeDownloader() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method initializes all graphic components.
initializeRomeo() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method initializes all components.
insertItemAt(Object, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
insertTab(String, Icon, Component, String, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
insets - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
installComponents() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
installListeners() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
intTablesColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
intTablesColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
interCellSpacingLabel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
interCellSpacingLabel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
interCellSpacingSlider - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
interCellSpacingSlider - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
isAvailableLookAndFeel(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
An utility function that layers on top of the LookAndFeel's isSupportedLookAndFeel() method.
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
isCategoryNode(Object) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNodeRenderer
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
isEnabled() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
isLeaf() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
isVisibleTab(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
isYearNode(Object) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNodeRenderer


JListCellRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.list.JListCellRenderer.
Cell renderer for JList
JListCellRenderer(ImageIcon) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.list.JListCellRenderer


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
kickerIsAvailable(String[], String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method verifies if the kicker needed by the given game is available.
kickerOK(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns true if the kicker exists, false otherwise.


LAST - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
LEFT_SHIFT - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
License - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.License.
License() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.License
ListItem - class com.miami.romeo.main.list.ListItem.
This class models the items in a list, encapsulating the background color and text.
ListItem(Color, String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.list.ListItem
lastTabInRun(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
lessThan(String, String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Alphabetizer
listClones(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the list of all clones running the command "xmame -listclones".
listCpuUsage(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method lists cpu usage statistics per year running the command "xmame -listcpu".
listDigitalSoundPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method lists available sound-dsp plugins running the command "xmame -ldp".
listFull(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves list of supported games with full description running the command "xmame -listfull".
listGames(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method retrieves the list of supported games with manufacturer and year running the command "xmame -listgames".
listOfGamesExists(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns true if the list of games exists, false otherwise.
listOfGamesWalk(Document) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
We have to walk a large XML document tree (the list of games) then for performance we have to use a fast looping method which avoids the cost of creating an Iterator object for each loop.
listOfGamesWalk(Document, Element) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
We have to walk a large XML document tree (the list of games) then for performance we have to use a fast looping method which avoids the cost of creating an Iterator object for each loop.
listSamples(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method lists used audio samples running the command "xmame -ls".
listSoundMixerPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method lists available sound-mixer plugins running the command "xmame -lmp -noloadconfig".
load() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Loads the property list from the Config file.
load(BufferedReader) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
loadLinuxOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method loads XMame options.
loadWindowsOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method loads Windows options.
loadYourOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method loads user options
localFile - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader


Mailer - class com.miami.romeo.internet.Mailer.
Mailer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.internet.Mailer
MemoryMonitor - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.
Tracks Memory allocated & used, displayed in graph form.
MemoryMonitor() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor
MemoryMonitor.Surface - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface.
MemoryMonitor.Surface() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
m_XDifference - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_YDifference - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_bkColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_bkNonSelectionColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_bkSelectionColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_borderSelectionColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_borders - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_bottomColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
m_browser - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Hyperlink
m_desktop - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_eastResizer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_h - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
m_hasFocus - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_height - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_heightratio - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_locator - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Hyperlink
m_model - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
m_northResizer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_runner - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Hyperlink
m_southResizer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_textColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_textNonSelectionColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_textNonselectableColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_textSelectionColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
m_topColor - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
m_topNode - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
m_tree - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
m_w - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
m_westResizer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_width - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_widthratio - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
m_zeroPath - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
Romeo main.
merge(SortedStrings) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Merge two sorted lists of integers.
message(JLabel, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
his method sets the messages in a label
message(JLabel, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
Messages from the ftp server.
message(JLabel, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
This method sets the messages in a given label.
messageArea - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
messageAreaPanel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
mixerBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
model - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.EastResizeEdge
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox


NEXT - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
NONE - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
NorthResizeEdge - class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge.
NorthResizeEdge(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.NorthResizeEdge
n2sort() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
noFocusBorder - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
nodeName - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo


OFFSET - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
OFFSET - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
ONE_BUTTON - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
ONE_SECOND - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
Options - class com.miami.romeo.main.Options.
Panel containing game options.
Options(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
OvalBorder - class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder.
Create an oval border
OvalBorder() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
OvalBorder(int, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
OvalBorder(int, int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
options - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
originalGameExists(String[], String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method returns true if the given game exists, false otherwise.


PALETTE_HEIGHT - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
PALETTE_LAYER - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
PALETTE_WIDTH - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
PALETTE_X - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
PALETTE_Y - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
PREVIOUS - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
pBar - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
pBar2 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.combo.IconComboRenderer
paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
paint(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.OvalBorder
paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.DialogSeparator
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
paintContentBorderBottomEdge(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
paintContentBorderTopEdge(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.graphics.ColorSwatch
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BlankIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.GraydIcon
paintTriangle(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.StopArrowButton
palette - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
panel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
parse(URL, HelpSet, Locale, TreeItemFactory) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
parsePath(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
parseURL(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method parses an internet url set by the user to download a file (rom, snap etc.), returning a string with all chars '$' substituted by the file name.
parseValues(String, char) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
prefix - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo
printInfo() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method prints a few human readable informations about Romeo.
progressBar - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
pstmt - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO


RIGHT_SHIFT - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
ROTATE - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
Romeo - class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo.
Title: Romeo Description: This is a Java frontend for M.A.M.E..
Romeo() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
The constructor initializes all components and shows the proggy.
Romeo.ToggleButtonToolBar - class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo.ToggleButtonToolBar.
This class extends JToolBar to create toggle buttons.
Romeo.ToggleButtonToolBar() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo.ToggleButtonToolBar
RomsInfo - class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo.
RomsInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo
RubyTheme - class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme.
This class describes a theme using red colors.
RubyTheme() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.themes.RubyTheme
reallocateIndexes() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
remove(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Removes the property with the given name.
remove(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Removes the String passed from the array.
removeAll() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Removes all the properties.
removeIndex(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Removes the String from the beginning of the array to the index passed.
removePanel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method removes a panel from the content pane.
renderer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
resetLinuxOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method resets XMame options to their original value.
resetOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method resets options to their original value.
resetWindowsOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method resets Windows options to their original value.
resize(JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method resizes the tables.
rightPanel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
romIsCorrect(String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method returns true if a rom is correct, false otherwise.
romNeedsKicker(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method verifies if the given game needs a kicker.
romsURL - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo
row - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
rowHeightLabel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
rowHeightLabel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
rowHeightSlider - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
rowHeightSlider - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
rs - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
run() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
run() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
runCommand(String) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method runs a given command, gets command' s output stream and puts a buffered reader input stream on it, then reads the output lines from command and put them into a list to pass to the caller.
runMame() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
Run Mame and load a selected game.
runMame(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method runs a given game.


SQLTableExists(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns true if the SQL table exists, false otherwise.
ScrollText - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText.
ScrollText() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
Settings - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.
Settings(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
The constructor creates the window.
Settings.CancelAction - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.CancelAction.
Exit without saving.
Settings.CancelAction() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.CancelAction
Settings.EditableComboBox - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox.
Editable JComboBox for image servers.
Settings.EditableComboBox() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
Settings.EditableComboBox(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
Settings.SaveAction - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SaveAction.
This class saves the configuration file.
Settings.SaveAction() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SaveAction
Settings.SkinPanel - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SkinPanel.
Panel with skin options.
Settings.SkinPanel() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SkinPanel
Settings.reloadSkinsAction - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.reloadSkinsAction.
This class rescans skin dir.
Settings.reloadSkinsAction() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.reloadSkinsAction
Settings.rescanLanguageDirAction - class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.rescanLanguageDirAction.
This class rescans language file dir.
Settings.rescanLanguageDirAction() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.rescanLanguageDirAction
SettingsListCellRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.settings.SettingsListCellRenderer.
Cell renderer for JList
SettingsListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.SettingsListCellRenderer
SingleRowTabbedPane - class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane.
SingleRowTabbedPane() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
SingleRowTabbedPane(int, int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI - class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs - class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs.
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ShiftTabs
SortButtonRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer.
SortButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
SortableTableModel - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel.
SortableTableModel() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel
SortedStrings - class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings.
An object that represents an array of alpabetized Strings.
SortedStrings() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Constructor creates a new SortedStrings object of default size.
SortedStrings(int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Constructor creates a new SortedStrings object of size passed.
SortedStrings(DataInput) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Contructor creates a new SortedStrings object using a DataInput object.
SortedStrings(String[]) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Contructor creates a new SortedStrings object, initializing it with the String[] passed.
SouthResizeEdge - class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge.
SouthResizeEdge(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.SouthResizeEdge
Src - class com.miami.romeo.help.Src.
Src() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.Src
Src.ToggleButtonToolBar - class com.miami.romeo.help.Src.ToggleButtonToolBar.
Src.ToggleButtonToolBar() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.help.Src.ToggleButtonToolBar
StateTransmitter - interface com.miami.romeo.settings.StateTransmitter.
StopArrowButton - class com.miami.romeo.settings.StopArrowButton.
StopArrowButton(int) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.settings.StopArrowButton
SystemInfo - class com.miami.romeo.main.about.SystemInfo.
SystemInfo() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.about.SystemInfo
sPane - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.SystemInfo
save() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
Saves the property list to the config file.
save(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Config
save() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method saves user options.
saveComponents() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
Before the J2SE 1.4 release, all Swing components have included the advisory that "A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence."
saveFrameParameters(JFrame, Info) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Save frame parameters in the configuration file.
saveLinuxOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method saves XMame options.
saveListOfGames(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves a new list of games and returns it in a Vector.
saveListOfGames() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method creates a box to show the updating of the list of games.
saveSQLTable(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves rom data into a MySQL' s table and returns a vector.
saveTextFile(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves rom data into a text file.
saveWindowsOptions() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
This method saves Windows options.
saveXMLDocument(String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves rom data into a xml document and returns a vector.
saving - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
sbr - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
scanLanguageDir() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method rescans the language file dir and updates the specific combo box.
scanMamuDir(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method scans Mamu dir and retrieves paths to available icons.
scanSkindir() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method scans skin dir and updates specific combo box.
scrollMessageAreaToBottom() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method scrolls the message area to the bottom.
scrollMessages - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
search(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns the index where the String value passed is located or where it should be sorted to if it is not present.
search(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method searchs for a description or name in the list of games.
searchFieldHasFocus(JTextField) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method returns true if the search field has focus, false otherwise.
selectNextTab(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
selectPreviousTab(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setButtonPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
setButtonsEnabled() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setCategoryNodeEnabled(JTree, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method enables/disables tree categories nodes.
setCellSize() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method sets table cell height and width.
setChildrenEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.SkinPanel
setChildrenEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.miami.romeo.settings.StateTransmitter
setComponentsLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method locks/unlocks some menu items.
setDefaultTab(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
setDigitalSoundPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method adds available sound-dsp plugins into a main window' s specific combo box.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
setLimits(Hashtable) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.IndicatorCellRenderer
setLocked(boolean, Container) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method locks/unlocks all container' s components.
setLookAndFeel(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method stores the current L&F, and calls updateLookAndFeel().
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
setModel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings.EditableComboBox
setNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.help.HistoryView
setNumberOfPlayedMatches(String, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method sets the values for the progress bars contained in the table.
setOptionsComponentsLocked() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Options
setPressedColumn(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
setProgressBarMaximum(JProgressBar, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method sets the progress bar maximum value
setProgressBarMaximum(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method sets progress bar maximum value.
setProgressBarMaximum(JProgressBar, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
This method sets the progress bar' s maximum value to int value.
setProgressBarString(JProgressBar, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method sets the progress bar string
setProgressBarString(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method sets progress bar string.
setProgressBarString(JProgressBar, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
This method sets the value of the progress string.
setProgressBarValue(JProgressBar, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
This method sets the progress bar value
setProgressBarValue(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method sets progress bar value.
setProgressBarValue(JProgressBar, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
This method sets the progress bar' s current value to int value.
setSelectedColumn(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
setSkinTheme(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method sets the skin.
setSoundMixerPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method adds available sound mixer plugins into a main window' s specific combo box.
setStartupSkin() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method loads a skin on startup.
setStatusFieldMessage() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method tells the user to press key F3 to highlight results found by void search().
setTabPlacement(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
setTabs(int[]) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
setTitleComponent(JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledBorder
setTitleComponent(JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
setTransferedKb(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method sets transfered kb string in a specific label.
setTransmitter(StateTransmitter) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
setTransmittingAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
setUp() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method creates resources used by getSQLData() & saveSQLTable()
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
setVisibleCount(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
setVisibleStartIndex(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
setXmameSoundPlugins(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method updates sound plugins.
shift(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
shiftDown(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
shiftUp(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.Array
showControls - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
showDownloader() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
This method shows Downloader window.
showHorizontalLinesCheckBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
showHorizontalLinesCheckBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
showListOfGames(URL) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method shows the list of games selected by the user.
showListOfGames(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method shows the list of games selected by the user.
showRomeo() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method brings up Romeo by showing the frame.
showSplash() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method creates and shows the splash screen.
showUpdateDialog() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method creates a JDialog to show the saving process.
showVerticalLinesCheckBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
showVerticalLinesCheckBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
shuttlesort(int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
sleepAmount - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
sort(String[]) - Static method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns a sorted String[] from the String[] passed.
sort(Object) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
sort(int, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortableTableModel
sortByColumn(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
start() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
start() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
startTime - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader
statusField - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
statusField2 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
statusField3 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
statusField4 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
statusPanel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
statusbarPanel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
stmt - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
stop() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
stop() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
stringAt(int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns the String value at the index passed.
stringCount() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns the number of Strings in the array.
surf - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor
swap(int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter


TWO_BUTTONS - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
TabbedPaneButton - interface com.miami.romeo.settings.TabbedPaneButton.
TableMap - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap.
TableMap() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
TableRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableRenderer.
TableRenderer(Color) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableRenderer
TableSorter - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter.
TableSorter() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
TableSorter(TableModel) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
TableSorter2 - class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2.
TableSorter2(SortableTableModel) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter2
TreeNode - class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode.
TreeNode() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
TreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
TreeNode(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
TreeNode(Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNode
TreeNodeRenderer - class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNodeRenderer.
JTree renderer
TreeNodeRenderer(Color) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.TreeNodeRenderer
tabForCoordinate(JTabbedPane, int, int) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
tabPaneButtons - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
table - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
table2 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
table3 - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableMap
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.TableSorter
tableOptionsPanel - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
tabs - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.list.InfoListCellRenderer
tearDown() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method destroys resources created during the I/O operations.
textFieldHasFocus() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.Settings
This method returns true if the JTextField where to set the path to xmame in is the focus owner, false otherise.
textFileExists(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns true if the text file exists, false otherwise.
thread - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.MemoryMonitor.Surface
toString() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.tree.RomsInfo
toStringArray() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.config.SortedStrings
Returns an String[] that contains the value in the SortedStrings object.
transmitter - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
transmittingAllowed - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.CompTitledPane
tree - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
treeRenderer - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games


UP - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.BevelArrowIcon
UP - Static variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.table.SortButtonRenderer
UpdateDialog - class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog.
UpdateDialog(JFrame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog
Utils - class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils.
Utils(String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Parameters for the constructor: String config_name.
Utils(File) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Parameters for the constructor: File config_file.
Utils(String, String) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Parameters for the constructor: String config_name, String language_name.
Utils(File, File) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Parameters for the constructor: File config_file, File language_file.
Utils() - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
Constructor without parameters.
uninstallComponents() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
uninstallListeners() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
update(Graphics) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.about.ScrollText
updateListOfGames(Vector, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method updates the list of games.
updateLookAndFeel() - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method sets the current L&F on each frame.
updateRomeo(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method updates some components if the list of games has been loaded.
updateSQLTable(Vector, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves rom data into a MySQL' s table and returns a vector.
updateSkinTheme(String, boolean) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Romeo
This method loads/unloads a skin.
updateStatusField(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
This method shows xmame version in the status bar.
updateTextFile(Vector, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method updates the text file.
updateXMLDocument(Vector, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method saves rom data into a xml document and returns a vector.
updating - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.UpdateDialog


verifyRom(String, String, String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
This method runs the command "xmame -verifyroms" to verify a romset and gets the response.
vertSplitPane - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games
visibleCount - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane
visibleStartIndex - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.settings.SingleRowTabbedPane


WestResizeEdge - class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge.
WestResizeEdge(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.resize.WestResizeEdge
WindowWatcher - class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher.
WindowWatcher(JDesktopPane) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.main.WindowWatcher
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.internet.Downloader.Exit
wmX - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info
wmY - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Info


XMLDocumentExists(String) - Method in class com.miami.romeo.main.DataIO
This method returns true if the XML Document exists, false otherwise.
Xmame - class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame.
Xmame(Romeo) - Constructor for class com.miami.romeo.xmame.Xmame
x - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.config.Utils
xmameComboBox - Variable in class com.miami.romeo.main.Games