To compile Romeo You will need:
To run the pre-compiled binaries You only need a Java Virtual Machine.
Finally, download the latest version of XMame or the
Windows command line.
Install Required Software
First of all,
install Java.
Next, install Ant. Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool.
In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles.
Finally, install JavaHelp: JavaHelp software is installed by extracting the zip file.
While most installations will not need to perform any additional installations tasks, some installations
will require that an environment variable JAVAHELP_HOME be defined for jhindexer and jhsearch to work
correctly. This is only necessary if after installation an error from jhindexer or jhsearch indicates the
environment variable needs to be set. If a previous version of JavaHelp was installed it should be removed
before installing a new release. Also last release requires a Java2 JDK or JRE be installed.
Set Java Environment
Instructions for *ix users
- Once Java, Ant and JavaHelp have been installed, set the Java Environment:
under an *ix box, with Your preferred editor open a file called ".bashrc" in
Your $HOME and type:
- export JAVA_HOME=/path_to_java_home
- export JAVAHELP_HOME=/path_to_javahelp_home
- export ANT_HOME=/path_to_ant_home
- Now, save all and close Your editor. In a shell type:
- . $HOME/.bashrc
to reload the file.
Instructions for Windows users
Environment variables are set automatically at startup when the autoexec.bat is run.
This file lives in the root directory of your home drive.
- Here is a sample autoexec.bat obtained by using the type command in a DOS window:
- C:\>type autoexec.bat
- SET windir=C:\WINDOWS
- SET winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS
- SET JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.4.2
- SET CLASSPATH=C:\java\jdk1.4.2
- SET ANT_HOME=C:\java\apache-ant-1.5.4
- SET JAVAHELP_HOME=C:\java\jh2.0\javahelp\
- SET PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\Program Files\Mts;c:\java\jdk1.4.2\bin;c:\java\apache-ant-1.5.4\bin
- C:>
Notice that Java, once installed, has already set
the JAVA_HOME variable, the initial CLASSPATH variable, and has added itself to
the end of the PATH variable. If You change the values in the autoexec.bat file,
the changes will take effect only if and when You reboot.
- You can print out the current environment variables by opening a DOS window and typing the set command:
- C:\>set
- PROMPT=$p$g
- CMDLINE=doskey /insert
- winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS
- windir=C:\WINDOWS
- JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.4.2
- CLASSPATH=C:\java\jdk1.4.2
- PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND; C:\Program Files\Mts;c:\java\jdk1.4.2\bin;c:\java\apache-ant-1.5.4\bin
- C:>
Of course, the actual variables You see on your own system and their values depend on the hardware and
software installed on your system. But, CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME, and PATH should all be there somewhere. You can change the
environment variables on the fly with the set command, but the old values will be restored from the autoexec.bat file when
the system is rebooted.
On newer version of Windows, such as Windows ME, it does no good to modify the autoexec.bat file directly.
Instead, execute the Run command from the Start menu. Then, type msconfig as the program to be run. This brings up the System
Configuration Utility Window. Select the Environment tab. There you can view and edit your environment variables.
How to Modify Environment Variables on the Fly on Windows
- To add the current directory to the CLASSPATH, open a DOS window and type the following:
Remember that this setting will last only until You reboot the system.
Install M.A.M.E.
- Read here how to install XMame.
Windows command line
- Unzip the package wherever You want.
Compile and install Romeo
- In a shell or in a Dos prompt, type:
- cd path_to_Romeo_dir
- Open build.xml with Your preferred editor and set install.home property. The default
installation location is /usr/local/Romeo. Under an *ix box, if You modify install.home property, remember
to update bin/ (variable ROMEO_ROOT).To print help on project targets type in a
- ant -projecthelp
- Now You can compile Romeo:
- ant all
- If You don' t get errors, become root or administrator and type:
- ant install
Install pre-compiled binaries
Instructions for *ix users
- To decompress the package You downloaded, open a shell and type:
- bzip2 -cd romeo-version.tar.bz2 | tar -xfv -
You can move the directory wherever You want.
Instructions for Windows users
If You downloaded a zipped file You can use WinZIP, otherwise,
if the file is a .tar.bz2 archive, download 7-Zip,
a .zip archive decompresser for 32-bit Windows platforms. (filename: 7z230b23.exe, file size: ~1.1MB)
- 7-Zip is used within these instructions to decompress the .tar.bz2 archive used to distribute Romeo:
- 1. To proceed with the installation of 7-Zip, use Start -> Run to execute the downloaded copy of the 7-Zip executable, C:\DOWNLOAD\7z230b23.exe
- 2. Upon executing the 7-Zip Installer, we are prompted to confirm that we want to install 7-Zip; select 'Yes'.
- 3. Next, you are prompted to specify the path to which 7-Zip will be installed; change this path as necessary (or leave it at its default value of 'C:\Program Files\7-ZIP'), then select 'Ok'.
- 4. The installation of 7-Zip will proceed and you should be notified that the installation has completed successfully.
- 5. Upon completion of the 7-Zip installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer; select 'Yes'.
- 6. Start the 7-Zip software (via its icon under your Start menu).
- 7. Use the File->Open menu option of 7-Zip to open the Romeo-version.tar.bz2 archive you downloaded.
- 8. Right click in the file listing box, then select the 'Extract' option from the pop-up menu.
- 9. On the file extraction page, specify a path of 'C:\Program Files\Romeo' (or similar) to which the files will be extracted. Ensure that the 'All Files' radio button has been selected, then click 'Ok'.
- 10. 7-Zip will proceed to extract the files from this .zip archive to the path specified.
Run Romeo
Instructions for *ix users
- You can easily launch bundled with the package. In a shell type:
- /path_to_romeo_root/bin/
- or
- cd /path_to_romeo_dir | java -jar Romeo.jar
Instructions for Windows users
Double click on Romeo.jar
Uninstall Romeo
Simply delete the directory where Romeo has been unpacked in and ~/.romeo4xmame.